Coping with New Years Resolutions
Today's blog: how to overcome and achieve certain goals you have set yourself with being too hard on yourself about them, giving yourself time.

New Years, for many people, is seen as a chance to make a fresh new start - to change over, leave things in the past, and have a new beginning.
"New Year, New Me".
There's nothing wrong with this concept. It's a brilliant excuse to start changing things for the better.
However, a lot of the time it can get frustrating if you haven't 'reached your body weight goal by the end of the month' or you 'broke your promise on not eating those sweets' or you 'did that thing again you swore to leave in 2015'.
Don't worry about it.
It's a process - nobody can expect you to be perfect within a day's change from New Year's Eve to New Year's Day. In my opinion, it's impossible.
You can try your upmost hardest to fulfill those resolutions you made yourself, but there's no guarantee you'll be perfect at it.
Find ways to make these things possible for yourself, there's no point in having a dream if you don't do anything to try and achieve it. If you want to wake up early everyday, set yourself an alarm and do it constantly until it becomes natural to you (and don't forget to make sure you get enough sleep while you're at it too). I'm still working on myself, and I'm nowhere near where I want to be, I still have a long way to go to fulfill my dreams! But it's okay, we all have flaws! The whole idea of keeping a New Years resolution is to change yourself -slowly- for the better. Don't beat yourself up about it. Stay calm, and things will be okay!
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." – Leo Tolstoy
Life is a journey. Don't think too much about where you'll end up. As the saying goes, 'Life's about the journey, not the destination.' And it's true. Most of the time, even when people have fulfilled their resolutions they gave themselves, they still may not be 100% happy with themselves.
There's always room for improvement, which is why I think that now, don't feel stressed or anxious that you aren't at your optimum potential yet, because if you stay happy working towards it, then in fact the end point won't even matter to you anymore. There shouldn't be an end point.
You just keep working on yourself to become a better person and you'll get happier and happier each day. Don't rely on the illusion of you getting somewhere to make you happy. Life will always have its ups and downs, and trust me, the road to success is never, ever an easy path. It's full of curves and drops and windy roads, so make the best out of it.
love, hana
New year new meeeeeee!!!