experimenting with portraiture - part 1
As long as I have been interested and passionate in the field of photography, I recently decided to reflect over my work. I noticed that most of my portfolio typically featured the beauty of nature and landscape - I suppose that is what I find most subconsciously intriguing!
However, I decided I wanted to branch out a little more in terms of genres and I noticed that on instagram, there is a huge audience engagement when it comes to portraiture. As well as this, I am also particularly interested in fashion photography & editorial work - it can be so artistic, experimental and unique.
Hence, my new project idea was born.
Ultimately to delve into this field of work, a huge factor is having people you are able to work with!
For my first round of experimenting in this project, it seemed most suitable to use a family member.
I would love to have access to a studio for indoor work, as much of my inspiration stems from shoot work done with models against a studio background, with studio lighting. However, this is difficult as I have no suitable space that I can use in conjunct with good lighting at the moment, and to figure out a way for this to work it would take a lot more effort, and perhaps money.
So as my first 'shoot', I decided to take it outdoors, in the comfort of my back garden.
I used my youngest sister, and decided to use household objects for props as well as put an emphasis on face makeup.
Without rambling on much further, here are the results: